If you were almost scammed into doing a porno through a bait-and-switch once, would you fall for it AGAIN from the same guy?
Category - Highlights
Dieter demonstrates the “lobster claw” wiping technique he taught Jeffrey years ago. Is this part of JLR’s problem?
An article listed some of the strangest job interview questions encountered. Rover asked Jeffrey those questions…and he aced his interview!
Nadz famously missed work as a no-call no-show, but claimed he just overslept. That story crumbles as he admits to a relapse.
Not only was Jeffrey rating nude pics he was sent while his kids were around, he returned the favor and sent a D pick back!
Jeffrey strangely pretended to not even notice his co-workers when they ran into each other at the same movie theater.
Dieter said Nadz didn’t fully complete the Flunky vs. Junkie egg challenge, so Nadz had to take one more egg…from between Jeffrey’s disgusting ass...
The Flunky (Dieter) takes on The Junkie (Nadz) in this Easter-themed egg challenge…carry eggs in their ass cheeks and drop them in baskets. The loser has to eat...
In keeping with LaRocque family tradition, Jeffrey talks about making a long drive for staying a short period of time.
Jeffrey danced and made out with a woman he met on the St. Patrick’s Day bar crawl. Although they only hung out for a few hours, he’d leave his wife for her!